Posted by: chuckfinney | April 6, 2009


Just when I thought I might sleep for another twenty years, this grating sound fills my ears and I wake. 

Go LCMS! Now who wants to guess what MMF stands for? Remember, this is a family friendly environment.

Posted by: chuckfinney | September 20, 2008

Dancing for God

Here is a way to reach out to the “Dancing with the Stars” crowd. I like these measures. The LCMS is almost there.

Posted by: chuckfinney | September 8, 2008

Worship Quiz

Here is the quote:

“The fact is, that God has established in no church, any particular form, or manner of worship, for promoting the interests of religion. The scriptures are entirely silent on these subjects, under the gospel dispensation, and the church is left to exercise her own discretion in relation to all such matters.”

Who could have possibly said this? Please post your answers. I am curious.

1. District President in the LCMS

2. Local LCMS Pastor

3. LCMS Layperson

4. LCMS bureaucrat

5. Commission on Worship Member

6. Yours Truly, Charles Finney

7. Any or all of the above.

Posted by: chuckfinney | August 14, 2008

TX District Shuts You Up!

For all you critics of Kari Jobe and her excitements, read this and weep! No confusion at all!


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

We’re very excited about the upcoming youth gathering, GLORYbound, happening in the Texas District November 28-30, 2008. In the past week, however, a number of emails and blogs have been forwarded which have stated that a woman was going to be serving in a pastoral role at GLORYbound. We want to let you know that these rumors are completely untrue. The Texas District upholds the LCMS’ position regarding women as pastors.

Here are the facts: Kari Jobe and her band are leading the music at the gathering but she is not a speaker or presenter. The planning committee asked her and her band to play and sing. Their role is to provide music—more akin to a church organist than a pastor or liturgist. Throughout GLORYbound’s many year history in the Texas District, there have often been musicians who are Christians of another faith tradition. All songs are vetted by the planning team for content. LCMS pastors and church workers lead and supervise every aspect of this gathering. An LCMS pastor is leading and preaching at the Sunday morning service. Another LCMS pastor is one of the speakers. An LCMS Vicar and former DCE is serving as the Bible Study leader. As in past GLORYbound events, there are several other speakers who are not LCMS.

The communion policy of the event has also been questioned in these blogs suggesting that GLORYbound will have open communion. This is also untrue. The communion policy which will appear in the Gathering Book has been used for the last nine years of GLORYbound events as suggested to us by the Secretary of the LCMS when it was requested in 1999: The celebration of the Lord’s Supper on Sunday of GLORYbound will be a significant part of our gathering. St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ft. Worth is serving as host congregation for the Worship Service and Holy Communion. Those who have been instructed in the teachings of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and believe in the real presence (body and blood of Christ is in, with and under the bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins) are invited to come with a penitent heart to receive the sacrament.

The GLORYbound team has carefully planned this event for two years keeping in mind the awesome responsibility of nurturing the faith of young people in the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are fine church workers and I thank God for them along with all other professional church workers in our District. In closing, let me encourage each of you to renew your commitment to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to work to advance the saving message of our Savior throughout Texas and the world.

You’re in Christ, Ken Hennings

Posted by: chuckfinney | August 14, 2008


Not the “frozen chosen” like all those sourpuss apostles, evangelists, martyrs and saints! These excitements are on the way! Put on your dancing shoes. It will only be a few years before all the LCMS parishes adopt these new measures and bring in the kingdom.

Posted by: chuckfinney | August 7, 2008

Texas Yellow Belly Cowards!

Well, a little negative feedback and the pansies from Texas District abandon the New Measures, or at least back off in their advertising on their web page. In my day, we had a name for people who couldn’t back up their convictions. I guess they are called District Representatives nowadays. If you are going to use the excitements, and there is no doubt that this is the goal, then own up to it! These guys or gals or hybrids should be ashamed of themselves. Why not be honest? The excitements work and they know it! Are they really afraid truth and doctrine will defeat their pragmatic concerns? Yellow belly cowards!

Posted by: chuckfinney | August 6, 2008

Kari Jobe Rocks!

If this isn’t a cause for excitement, then you need the little blue pill! She is not Lutheran by a long shot, but will be bringing her New Measures (are they really new?) to the youth of the TX District. It will be a spiritual experience for those young people. I am so glad to see her being used and sanctioned by the LCMS.

Posted by: chuckfinney | August 4, 2008


My reappearance was for the purpose of offering consultation to LCMS, Inc. as it seeks to employ the new measures and excitements to achieve the desired numbers of their Ablaze ™ program. It appears that I am not the only outside consultant in the employ of the Purple Palace. The entertainers scheduled for this young person event in the TX District reveals the use of outsiders that can properly employ the excitements. My feelings are hurt, I admit, since I was not invited. The larger and more important issue, however, is that it appears the Good Ship Missouri is righting itself and may not sink after all. If these good looking, charismatic, relevant, and excitable boys and girls cannot bring in the Kingdom, then who can?

Posted by: chuckfinney | July 18, 2008

Holy Ghost Ablaze (TM)

Is this one of the latest church plants of the LCMS? These people really have the excitements. If this isn’t the direction of the Ablaze (TM) movement, then it should be. They are on fire! Those drums along with the Holy Ghost mantra are effective measures.

Posted by: chuckfinney | July 18, 2008

Ablaze(TM) Development Idea

The LCMS could use some funds to support their New Measures. I think they should bring this guy in as a consultant. His dental miracles could fill those teutonic mouths with gold and then they could pull out teeth and the pocketbooks to grow the kingdom!

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